Saturday, January 05, 2008

Cinci Bound

Puendersworld Headquarters is moving from Claremont to Cininnati. Please send us warm clothing. Here are a few of photos (from 1968) of the new HQ.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

News Flash: Zoe Goes on Diet

I let Gangmaster Jones know that as I was walking the dog the other day someone came up to pet the dog and made the following comment: "oh, your dog likes to eat......". GMJ immediately went for the measuring cup and discovered that the plastic cup we were using to measure the dogs food with is actually 2 Cups of food. She replaced it with our 1 Cup measuring cup, which means that we will have to buy new measuring cups this weekend.....

I have included photos to document this momentous event. Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers were both called, but declined to work with Pit Bulls.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Puender on the Russian River - Sonoma

Little bitch under her blanket, on her bed, on the back deck in Sonoma

Little bitch sunning herself


Yes, my wife and I are crazy about our pitbull Zoe. I cannot believe how much we love the stupid animal. This blog will update you on what Zoe did during the course of the week. I am not sure how this will work, as she sleeps, eats, sniffs, farts, licks, plays ball and sleeps some more.

Our first featured image is a photo of my lovely wife with "The Puender" (aka Zoe) on her birthday (no, not my wifes birthday, why would we have this sort of hat at an adult birthday party?). I think she is 6 year old in this picture taken a year ago.

Here she is with her cake and our good friend Beebers.